Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Company 6 was alerted for a van into the back of a tractor trailer. This was technically a 6 Box. Chief 6 (Martin) established Command advising two tractor trailers and three passenger cards. Total of 7 patients. Crews assisted with patient care and with traffic control until the arrival of the towing company.
Company 6 was alerted for an unknown injury accident. PSP advised that they were out with nothing found. Rescue 6 continued into the area to the 154 with just the previous accident being found. Chief 6 (Martin) placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29 with a Medical Assist, but were cancelled before they responded.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Company 17 (Pine Glen) with a road closure due to downed power lines blocking the roadway. Utility 6 and crew closed Pine Glen Road at Spruce Road in Moshannon. Once the power lines were safely removed, the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Ambulance 8 with moving a patient through snow from the residence to the ambulance for transport. Company 6 helped clear the snow and load the patient for transport. Once loaded, the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Ambulance 8 with transporting previous call patient into residence. Once assist was completed, the box was placed available.
Company 6 provided a road closure of Clarence Rd. for Power/Cable/Internet lines hanging extremely low across the roadway. After providing the service for 8 hours, PennDot arrived and released the fire company and Chief 6 (Martin) placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for hazardous conditions with lines down over 2 cars. Upon arrival it was found to phone and cable lines. The lines were removed, and the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for an unknown injury accident at the 153.4 East of I80. The location was updated to the 150 East. A second report came into 911 as no injuries and the box was placed available.
Company 6 was dispatched back to the 150 East per PSP, but were cancelled by PSP while responding, as the vehicle was found to be waiting for a tow. Box was then placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for an MVA with injuries. Rescue 6 arrive on scene with 1 tractor trailer on the left shoulder and 1 tractor trailer with heavy front end damage blocking the right lane of traffic, as well as 1 passenger car stuck in the snow on the right shoulder. Assistant Chief 6-3 (Metz) assumed Command and placed Company 9 available. The crew from Rescue 6 and Utility 6 conducted traffic control until both trucks could be removed by the towing company. Once removed, the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for an MVA with unknown injuries. Assistant Chief 6-2 (Casher) arrived on scene reporting 1 tractor trailer overturned blocking the left lane. Rescue 6's crew conducted traffic control, moving all traffic to the right lane. During this call, Assistant Chief 6-2 traveled to the 141 for a report of a tractor trailer over an embankment. Upon arrival, the incident was being handled by Clearfield Company 18. Upon arrival of PSP at the original accident, the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29 with lifting.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Ambulance 8 with lifting.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Ambulance 8 with lifting.
Company 6 was alerted for an MVA with unknown injuries. Chief 6 (Martin), Rescue 6, and Engine Rescue 6 traveled to the 140 West with nothing found except debris from a previous accident at the 144. Chief 6 placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for an Automatic Fire Alarm. Assistant Chief 6-2 (Casher) arrived and determined that it was a false alarm and placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29 with lifting and removal of a patient from a residence. Once transfer was complete, box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle into a structure. Caller advised that there were no injuries and minor damage. Chief 6 (Martin) held the response to Rescue 6. Upon arrival, Chief 6 established command and confirmed report. After investigation, box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for an unknown injury accident. Rescue 6 arrived on scene with 1 passenger car in the median with no one around. Being that the vehicle was abandoned, Chief 6 (Martin) placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for an unknown injury accident. Report of one car into a snow bank. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived with 1 passenger car in the median and established command. Command confirmed 3 occupants with negative injuries. Chief 6 placed all EMS and Engine Rescue 6 available. Command had Rescue 6 stage back from the scene to slow and move all traffic to the right lane. Company 6 remained on scene until Rees' Towing arrived and removed the vehicle. Box was then placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for an unknown injury accident. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived with 1 SUV that hit the guide rail 2 times and came to a stop on the right shoulder. Chief 6 (Martin) advised there was no entrapment but 1 occupant needing to be transported, and established command. Command had Rescue 6 start traffic control and patient care. Company 6 provided traffic control until Rees' Towing loaded the vehicle and the box was placed available.
While wrapping up the first incident, 911 advised Chief 6 (Martin) of another call at the 145 East. Chief 6 went en route having the other units remain on scene until scene was cleared. Shortly after 911 advised that there were no injuries and they had already made arrangements for a tow. After clearing for a 3rd incident, Utility 6 checked and confirmed that there were no injuries and the box was placed available.
While responding on our 2nd incident, 911 advised of a 3rd call in our coverage area. It was advised of a pickup truck rollover in the median with unknown injuries. Chief 6 (Martin) diverted to the scene along with Rescue 6. Chief 6 arrived with 1 pickup on its roof in the median with 1 occupant out of the vehicle refusing treatment and 1 occupant still trapped upside down in the vehicle with a severe head laceration. Chief 6 established command and upgraded the box to an entrapment call. Rescue 6 arrived and established stabilization via struts and high lift jacks. The crew also removed the drivers door and extended cab door to gain access. Other members performed patient care and stabilized the patient until the arrival of EMS and the removal of the doors. Crews along with Medic 24-1 removed and packaged patient and moved to the awaiting EMS unit. Utility 6 provided traffic control. While performing clean up and traffic control, 911 advised of a 4th incident with unknown injuries. Chief 6 responded, leaving Deputy Chief 6-1 (Rees) in command. Crews assisted Rees' Towing and the box was placed available.
Company 6 was on their 3rd call for the morning when 911 advised of a 4th incident at the 146.7 East. The call was for an unknown injury accident. Chief 6 (Martin) went en route and checked to the 151 from the 142 with the only thing being found being the no injury crash at the 145. Chief 6 placed the 4th call available and returned to the scene of the 3rd incident.
While operating on another incident at the 142 West, another accident was witnessed at the 142 East as a pickup truck went off the roadway and down over the embankment and came to a stop just short of Utility 6. Assistant Chief 6-2 (Casher) checked and advised there were negative injuries. Deputy Chief 6-1 placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for it's 6th call of the day. The call was paged out as a vehicle accident with entrapment. Chief 6 (Martin) went en route and was advised of a pickup on its roof on the roadway with 1 occupant crawling out of the vehicle and 1 other person entrapped in the passenger side. As Chief 6 was arriving, 911 advised that a 2nd call advised no entrapment but had 2 occupants with injuries. Rescue 6 arrived and started patient care and traffic control while Chief 6 established Command. Rescue 6's crew assisted EMS with packaging of both patients and loading into both ambulances for transport. Company 6 remained on scene providing traffic control until Rich's Amoco was finished loading the vehicle. Chief 6 then placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29-1 with lifting. Manpower arrived on scene and assisted in packaging and loading the patient for transport. Once patient was loaded, Assistant Chief 6-3 (Metz) placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle accident with unknown injuries. Chief 6 (Martin) went responding and advised that PSP checked the accident at the 147 with no injuries. 911 advised of another accident at the 146 with unknown injuries. Chief 6 arrived with PSP with 1 vehicle on the right side of the road with 2 occupants stating they were not injured and a 2nd vehicle in the median with no injuries. Company 6 remained on scene providing traffic control for S&R Towing and Bigler Boyz Towing. After both cars were removed, Chief 6 placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for a small vehicle fire. Engine 6 arrived on scene with nothing showing. Chief 6 (Martin) established command and held the response to Engine 6. Engine 6's crew checked for fire extension through the passenger compartment of the vehicle where the fire had been extinguished by the PA Game Commission and PSP, with nothing found. After confirming that there was no extension, Chief 6 placed the box available.
Company 6 received a phone call about a possible flue fire. The resident wanted just a Chief to come check. Chief 6 (Martin) notified the 911 Center and advised that 1 Engine was to respond. Engine 6's crew responded and upon investigation found that the flue just needed cleaned. The crew assisted the home owner and the box was placed available.
Company 6 was dispatched to assist Clearfield Company 17 with a building fire, but were cancelled while en route.
Company 6 was asked by a teacher at Mt. Top Elementary School to help control traffic for the kids to cross East Sycamore Road to get to Park Avenue, then to go through Park Avenue and down to the Methodist Church to deliver food that they have been collecting to donate to the Food Bank.
Company 6 was asked to perform a Stand By assignment while Station 12 held a fundraiser. Engine Rescue 6 completed the stand by and then were placed available.
While responding on a Transfer Assignment, Engine Rescue 6 was requested to handle a landing zone at the old Philipsburg Hospital location. Engine Rescue 6 arrived at the LZ along with Utility 57-1. Captain 11-2 established the LZ Command. After landing and the helicopter safely lifting off, Engine Rescue 6 was requested to finish the transfer assignment at Station 11.
Company 6 was alerted for an Engine Rescue to transfer to Station 12 while they operated on a tractor trailer accident.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29-1 with lifting.
Company 6 was alerted for a dwelling fire, assisting Company 9. Tanker 6 responded and upon arrival was assigned to the staging area. Shortly after arrival, Tanker 6 was released and placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a tractor trailer fire, reported as brakes on fire. Chief 6 (Martin) went en route and was advised that it was tires on fire, and the driver was attempting to put it out with a fire extinguisher. Chief 6 arrived and found a disabled tractor trailer at the 143 and placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29-1 with lifting. Manpower arrived on scene and assisted in packaging and loading the patient for transport. Once patient was loaded, Chief 6 (Martin) placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for a cardiac event at the Dollar General Store. Crews arrived with a cardiac arrest. Deputy Chief 6-1 (Rees), Assistant Chief 6-2 (Casher) and other members arrived along with Ambulance 26-3 and immediately started CPR. Patient was transported to MNMC. While on scene, Company 6 was alerted for another medical assist call. Rescue 6 went en route to that call.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance with a medical assist.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Station 18 with a vehicle accident, but were placed available before responding.
Company 6 was alerted for Fire Police due assisting Company 9 with a multiple tractor trailer accident. Utility 6 responded with 3. Utility 6 set up just short of the 154 crossover to slow people down in the back log of traffic. Later, all unites moved to the Snow Shoe exit, closing the Interstate and redirecting them down Route 144 per the orders of PennDot. Crews remained on the scene until being released by PennDot and the roadway being re-opened.
Company 6 was alerted for a Transfer Assignment, transferring Engine Rescue 6 to Station 15, however, while en route, were placed available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Station 18 with an unknown injury accident. After Engine Rescue 6 arrived, they were placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for an Automatic Fire Alarm at the Family Dollar/Dollar Tree. Chief 6 (Martin) responded to the scene and was advised it was in Zone 17 which is the Office. Chief 6 arrived with nothing showing and established the Command. Command met with the manager outside who advised the result of the alarm was burnt food in the microwave. Command confirmed and placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Station 17 with a dwelling fire, but was cancelled before responding.
Company 6 Duty Chief was alerted to contact the 911 Center. Chief 6 contacted the Center, got information about a gas leak at one of the gas wells.
Company 6 was alerted for a dwelling fire. Chief 6 (Martin) went en route to the scene and was alerted of a flue fire with the basement filling with smoke. Chief 6 arrived with a very light smoke condition and normal conditions from the flue and established Command. Command had Engine 6's crew go to the basement and check for extension. Engine Rescue 6 and Tanker 6 were stages on Trestle Road. Command had Clearfield Truck 17 alerted as Company 2 had their own call at the time. After further investigation it was determined that the flue pipe had pulled out of the wall a little ways allowing the smoke to back feed into the home. Command then placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle accident with unknown injuries. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived with a mini van in the median and established Command. After further investigation, Command advised of 3 occupants with no injuries and all refusing treatment. Command placed the Medic Unit available. Company 6 remained on scene assisting Rees' Towing. Command then placed the box available once vehicle was removed.
Company 6 was alerted for a large vehicle fire. Chief 6 (Martin) went en route and was advised that the tractor trailer was hauling powdered fertilizer. Chief 6 arrived with a working fire at the back duals on the tractor and established comman. Command had Engine 6 deploy handlines to extinguish the fire. Tanker 6 deployed a 3" supply line to the Engine. Clearfield Brush Tanker 18 arrived and filled Tanker 6. Shortly after, Command marked the fire under control and placed Clearfield Brush Tanker 19 and Clearfield Engine Tanker 17 available. Clearfield Utility 19 opened I80 and came down to the scene and assisted with a 1 lane closure until Eagle Towing got everything cleaned up. Company 6 remained on scene until scene was clear and box was placed available.
Company 6 was requested to transfer Engine Rescue 6 to Station 12. Engine Rescue 6 was unable to complete the transfer due to insufficient manpower.
Company 6 was alerted for a fire investigation outside. Chief 6-1 (Rees) went en route along with Engine 6. Chief 6-1 arrived in the area with a heavy column of smoke from an outdoor wood furnace. Chief 6-1 placed the box available. Chief 6-1 searched the area further and found a small unattended smoldering camp fire at a different location. Chief 6-1 extinguished the remaining fire with a shovel and dirt.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Company 17 with a dwelling fire, however, Command placed all Centre County units available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Company 20 with a wildfire. Brush Tanker 6 and Brush 6 went en route. Upon arriving on the scene, crews went to assist with building fire line with DCNR while Brush Tanker 6 filled UTV's. Units/Crews were on scene for approximately 2.5 hours, then were released by Command.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29 with a Medical Assist.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29 with a Medical Assist.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Company 19 with a structure fire, however, were cancelled while responding.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29 with a Medical Assist.
Company 6 was alerted for a Medical Assist.
Company 6 was alerted for an Automatic Fire Alarm activation at the Family Dollar/Dollar Tree. Deputy Chief 6-1 (Rees) arrived and spoke with an employee who confirmed it was just burnt food. Upon investigation, nothing was found and the box was placed available.
Company 6 was contacted to help escort the Bald Eagle Majorettes back to the high school after winning their title.
Company 6 was alerted for a motor vehicle accident with injuries. Report stated that a turkey had flown through a Dodge pickup trucks windshield striking the passenger and exiting through the back window of the truck. Upon arrival, crews provided patient care and assisted with boarding and loading the patient. Crews remained on scene providing traffic control until Res' towing removed the vehicle and then the box was placed available.
Company 6 took Engine Rescue 6 to participate in the BEA High School's annual Mock Accident presentation before Prom, held by the SADD Group.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Company 19 with a structure fire. Engine Rescue 6 was placed available after responding.
Company 6 was alerted for an Automatic Fire Alarm at the Family Dollar/Dollar Tree. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived with nothing showing and met with an employee who stated, they were unsure why the alarm went off, there was nothing found. Chief 6 placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for a dwelling fire, reported that a grill had caught fire and extended to the home. Upon arrival the homeowners had the fire out. Crews remained on scene checking for any extension and hotspots, then Chief 6 (Martin) placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle accident with entrapment, reported a black sedan overturned with 1 person trapped. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived with no entrapment and minor injuries. Crews performed patient care and traffic control until the box was placed available.
Public Service.
Company 6 was alerted for a single vehicle off the roadway. Chief 6 (Martin) checked to the 140 crossover and back with nothing found and placed the box available.
Public Service - Filled swimming pool.
Company 6 was alerted for a dwelling fire assisting Company 9 (Milesburg). Tanker 6 responded and upon arrival was given the assignment to stage at the end of the driveway. After control was marked, command placed Tanker 6 available.
Company 6 was alerted with Company 17 (Pine Glen) for an Engine, Engine Rescue, Rescue, and Tanker due assisting with a structure fire. Engine 6 responded first and was given the assignment of finishing laddering the structure and helping perform a secondary search. Tanker 6 and Rescue 6 arrived next with Tanker 6 arriving after and being given the assignment of supplying Engine 6 if needed. Rescue 6 was set up to starting filling air cylinders. Engine Rescue 6's crew staged on the scene. After control was marked, Company 6 unit were placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for an unknown fire outside. Chief 6 was across the road and contact the County as it was a controlled burn and the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Company 9 (Milesburg) with traffic control for a vehicle accident. Utility 6 responded and shut down the right lane and moved all traffic to the left. After a short time, the box was placed available by Assistant Chief 9-2.
Company 6 members performed traffic control at several locations for the Memorial Day celebrations.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29 with lifting.
Public Service - Filled swimming pool.
Company 6 was alerted for a well involved tractor trailer fire. Engine 6 and Tanker 6 arrived with said report and Chief 6 (Martin) established Command. Command had Tanker 6 supply Engine 6. Tanker 9 arrived and was given the assignment of supplying Engine 6 as soon as Tanker 6 was empty. Crews from the Engine pulled both 1 3/4" supply lines and attacked the bulk of the fire. Rescue 6 filled air cylinders on scene. Engine Rescue 14's crew assisted with overhaul. S&R Towing arrived and took over the scene and the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle accident with unknown injuries. Assistant Chief 6-2 (Casher) arrived on scene and held the response to the Engine Rescue for traffic control. Upon the arrival of PSP and Rees' Towing, the box was placed available.
Public Service - Filled swimming pool.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Company 6 with a wildfire. Tanker 6 arrived with Brush 9 and the fire was out. Command held the response to the units on scene. Shortly after making sure everything was extinguished the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a dump truck fire in the engine compartment. Chief 6 responded to the scene. 911 advised the caller called back stating that they believed they had the fire out. Chief 6 held the response to the Engine, non-emergency. Chief 6 arrived with nothing showing. After investigating, it was determined that insulation was still smoldering in the firewall. The engine crew used a water can to extinguish. Box was then placed available.
Company 6 provided traffic control for Karthaus' parade.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29 with lifting.
Public Service - Crews hosed out the booths at the Park for the upcoming carnival.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle accident with entrapment. Deputy Chief 6-1 (Rees) arrived with one patient unable to get out of the vehicle. Assisted with removal, patient was not complaining of any injuries, but needed to be evaluated.
Public Service - Company 6 filled a swimming pool.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Company 18 with a structure fire. While units were en route, Clearfield units had the fire knocked down and Company 6 was placed available.
Company 6 Duty Chief was alerted for an investigation at a residence in the Borough. Homeowner was having issues with oxygen machine. Machine made a small burn in the carpet, but otherwise nothing else was present. After EMS crews arrived, box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, however, with insufficient manpower, were placed available.
Company 6 was alerted to set up a landing zone at Rees' Truckstop for an EMS patient. Deputy Chief 6-1 (Rees) and Brush 6 went en route and set up the LZ with Deputy Chief 6-1 taking LZ command. Once helicopter was safely on the ground, they assisted EMS and flight crew with loading the patient. Then, once helicopter was again safely off the ground and in the air, the box was placed available.
Company 6 crews with Brush Tanker 6 and Brush 6 provided fire protection for a fireworks display.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle accident without injuries, reported a car into a power pole. Assistant Chief 6-3 (Metz) arrived with one vehicle into a power pole, blocking one lane of travel and one occupant out of the vehicle denying injuries. Asst. Chief 6-3 (Metz) assumed command and alerted 911 of the pole number and that the pole was snapped and could possibly fall once the vehicle was removed. Command was advised of a 1-2 hour ETA for Penelec. PSP and Rees Towing arrived on scene. Once vehicle was removed, pole was checked and was still standing, and Command was ok'd to place the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for an automatic fire alarm at the Family Dollar/Dollar Tree. Deputy Chief 6-1 (Rees) went en route and held the box to himself. Upon arrival was met by an employee at the entrance where the alarm was sounding, nothing was showing and employee stated it was a false alarm. After further investigation, nothing was found and the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for an automatic fire alarm at the Family Dollar/Dollar Tree. Deputy Chief 6-1 (Rees) went en route and held the box to one engine non-emergency Upon arrival was the alarm was sounding, nothing was showing but alerted 911 that the keyholder needed to respond. After keyholder arrived and with further investigation, nothing was found and the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a passenger vehicle fire, reported fire from under the hood. Chief 6 (Martin) went en route to the scene arriving with one passenger car fully involved. Engine 6 arrived and pulled a crosslay, and Tanker 6 arrived and supplied Engine 6. Crews brought the fire under control quickly. Once vehicle was extinguished and removed, the box was placed available.
Company 6 filled a swimming pool.
Company 6 filled a swimming pool.
Company 6 filled a swimming pool.
Company 6 filled a swimming pool.
Company 6 was dispatched for a tractor trailer fire. Chief 6 received a call stating that it's possibly just a disabled tractor trailer. Chief 6 advised County to hold the apparatus. He arrived on scene with no fire and disabled vehicle and box was placed available.
Company 6 was dispatched for an MVA with unknown injuries. Crews arrived with one vehicle off the roadway with no injuries and a vehicle that hit a deer and box was placed available.
Controlled Burn standby.
Company 6 was dispatched for a large vehicle fire. Driver stated he was disconnecting an inverter in the cab and and sparked hitting him and starting a small fire. Said he thought the fire was out but could still smell electrical burning and slight smoke.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Ambulance 29 with a medical assist.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle accident with unknown injuries. Chief 6 (Martin) went en route to the scene and was advised of multiple calls for a vehicle overturned in the median. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived confirming report with confinement and established Command. Rescue 6 arrived and was given the assignment of deploying the little ladder to assist the individual getting out. Company 6 remained on scene providing traffic control until S&R Towing removed the vehicle, then the box was placed available.
Company 6 was accidently dispatched for a Chief's call for the Alpha's....Cancelled.
Company 6 was alerted for hazardous conditions with a tree down on wires between two residences. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived and held the apparatus in quarters. Chief 6 (Martin) advised 911 that the tree brought down the power wires for all four locations (743, 745, 747, 751. Penelec was notified with a one hour ETA, and box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Company 18 with a building fire. Tanker 6 responded to the scene and was placed in the staging area. Once overhaul was started, Tanker 6 was placed available and requested to transfer to Clearfield Station 17.
Tanker 6 was requested to transfer to Clearfield Station 17 to standby while they continued to work at the dwelling fire. Once apparatus returned to station, Tanker 6 was released.
Company 6 was alerted to set up a landing zone at the Clarence ball field for Ambulance 23 and Medic 24-2. Geisinger Life Flight 4 landed and loaded patient safely, once back in the air, the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for an unknown fire outside, 911 advised of multiple calls reporting a small fire along the side of the road. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived confirming report and establishing command. Chief 6 (Martin) along with Chief 6-1 (Rees) and Firefighter Rees had the fire extinguished quickly. Command held the response to the Engine and Brush. Command had Engine 6 use a combination nozzle on the deck gun to wet down the entire area. Brush 6 staged behind the Engine. Once area was sufficiently watered down, the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle accident with unknown injuries. Chief 6 (Martin) was advised of a motorcycle into a house with patient possibly intoxicated and trying to leave the scene. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived with a male off the bike walking around and established command. Person was refusing treatment and box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a dwelling fire, reported smoke in the strustrue. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived on scene and owner said that when they would turn on the AC it was blowing the breaker and creating smoke and sparks. Chief 6 investigated with no hazard found and box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted to assist Clearfield Station 18 with a truck rollover, truck was hauling a horse trailer loaded with horses. Company 6 arrived on scene, and then placed available.
Company 6 was alerted to set up a landing zone, but later cancelled.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle accident with injuries. Chief 6 (Martin) arrived on scene with 1 adult and 2 juveniles out of the vehicle. Chief 6 had crews start traffic control and stayed until towing company cleared the vehicle and then box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a large vehicle fire, reported rear tire location. Crews arrived on scene with a tractor trailer, fire appeared to be out, truck was partially on the roadway. Crews assisted with traffic control for Company 9 and box was placed available.
Company 6 Chief's were alerted for a flooded roadway. Crews closed the roadway for approximately 3 hours while flood waters receded.
Company 6 Chief's were alerted for a flooded basement. Brush Truck responded and used portable pump to assist with water removal.
Company 6 was alerted for a water rescue at the Kato Bridge, reported a kayaker in the water and stuck under the bridge. Crews arrived finding a stranded kayaker clinging to a tree. Boats from Pine Glen and Pleasant Gap assisted with removal of the kayaker, and he was transferred to EMS for an evaluation.
Standby assisting with fireworks demolition.
Company 6 was alerted for a fire investigation outside. Chief 6 (Martin) traveled to the location with nothing found, and placed the box available.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle accident with unknown injuries. Crews arrived with a vehicle off the road and patient refusing treatment, and box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Ambulance 26-1.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8-53.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8-53.
Company 6 was alerted for a vehicle fire, reported a pickup truck with a trailer. Caller removed the trailer and the vehicle was fully involved when E6 arrived on scene. Fire was controlled and once Rees' Towing loaded the vehicle, the box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8
Company 6 was alerted for fire police due assisting Company 9 with shutting down Route 144 at the top of the mountain. While arriving on scene Command advised ER6 to divert to another location to set up a landing zone. Once helicopter was safely back in the air, ER6 was placed available.
ER6 completed a standby assignment for Clearfield Station 17 while they held their annual raffle.
Company 6 assisted EMS with lifting.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8.
Company 6 was alerted for a transfer assignment to Station 12.
Company 6 was alerted to assist EMS with lifting.
Company 6 was alerted for the Engine Rescue and Tanker to assist Clearfield Station 20 with a structure fire. Tanker 6 was cancelled and ER6 arrived and assisted with overhaul operations until placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8
Company 6 was alerted to assist EMS with lifting.
Company 6 was alerted to assist EMS with lifting.
Company 6 was alerted for an automatic fire alarm at the Family Dollar/Dollar Tree. Chief 6 was in contact with a store employee advising false trip and box was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8.
Company 6 was alerted for Rescue 6 for cascade operations assisting Clearfield Station 17 with a building fire. Rescue 6 responded and was placed available.
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8
Company 6 was alerted for a medical assist, assisting Clearfield Ambulance 8
Snow Shoe Fire Co.
102 Railroad Street, Snow Shoe, Pennsylvania 16874, United States
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